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Fine Art of Web Design', this session will lift the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show you exactly where they fit in with modern web design. Andy will reveal the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show where they fit in with modern web design....
Posted on 12:09 AM
By swan at 12:09 AM


dah lama x tlis blog.. dulu pun wat blog ni kerana pkse..
mls nk wat bnda cm ni.. tp kadang2 ble fkir2.. best gak..tau sb pe?
aku rasa la..dgn tlis blog ni aku rasa puas.. ikut je nak tlis pe..suka hati r..
org suka atau x terpulang pd dia r.yang pnting kita puas." dok gitu". nk taip nape lak
dah la untuk hr ni..